What is DIBA?
In February 2021, the territorial scope of the NRBC was extended from Central Italy to the entire Italian Republic and its denomination was changed into DIBA.
The current Board consists of Angela Mannaerts (President), Godelieve Cooymans (Vice President), Mariëlle van der Marel (Secretary), Maurizio Tinti (Treasurer), Désirée Rasenberg, Claudia de Regt and Michel Wichers.
This page will keep you posted on the events we organize for Dutch and Italian entrepreneurs who are interested in networking, sharing knowledge and doing business with each other.
Our website informs you in more detail about the scope of our association, its past and future activities and its members. The purpose of this website is to become a platform for the DIBA members, who are Dutch individuals working in or with Italy, and Italian citizens located in Italy who work for Dutch groups or have Dutch clients.
In addition, the website provides an interesting network for entrepreneurs who need business support or advice with respect to Italy. We invite you to look at the “member list” to discover the variety of activities in which our members are engaged.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Board or to ask for an introduction to any of the DIBA members or for suggestions and advice with respect to business activities and development in Italy: it will be a pleasure for us to help you and to further Dutch/Italian relationships.
We look forward to meeting you at one of the upcoming DIBA zoom or networking events in Rome, Milan or Florence!
If you wish to become a DIBA member, have a look at the section “Join us” on this website.

Jeroen Bijl
Director Legal EMEADigital Realty

Bastiaan Brouwer
Strategy, Leadership and Process Excellence ConsultantSPARK Innovation Catalysts

Christian Brozius
Deputy civil law notaryLustrous Law B.V.

Olaf Bussink

Leonardo Delle Chiaie
Ceo & Technical DirectorDelman Ingegneria Srl

Niek Cleyndert
Tax ConsultantMeijburg & Co

Godelieve Cooymans
Vice PresidentProaxxes

Eric van Craaijkamp
MemberSanpaolo Invest - Banca Fideuram

Anno Dirksen
MemberVDL Groep B.V.

Marco Flinterman
Tax LawyerMeijburg & Co

Renato Grimaldi
OwnerGrimaldi Industries

Lonneke Haan
MemberHotel Donatello Firenze

Raphael Hunsucker
CCO & FounderItalië Centrale / Choo-Choo

Irene Iunco
MemberIrene Iunco Brand+
Brand & Communication Design

Karin Jironet

Gabrielle Kluck
Director, Office of Ombudsman & Mediation ServicesUN World Food Programme (WFP)

Lilia Lauciani
MemberFARMACIA LA.LI.FAR. D.ssa Lilia Lauciani

Annemieke Lippes
Founding PartnerStudio Legale Lippes

Iacopo Lisi
PartnerStudio Lisi & Associati

Ria Luitjes
OwnerMIXmarketing / Global Dutchies & Agriturismo Anna-Rosa

Wijnand Luttikholt
MemberCa’ Palazzo Bouw Management

Manuela Manenti
MemberMediolanum Banca

Angela Mannaerts
PresidentLaw Firm Mannaerts Moreschini & Associati

Mariëlle van der Marel
SecretaryLaw Firm Mannaerts Moreschini & Associati

Corrado Marinelli
LawyerLaw Firm Marinelli Chimenti e Montefoschi

Paolo Mascagna
MemberStudio Mascagna

Elena Speranza Moll
MemberStudio Dentistico Moll

Paola Moreschini
MemberLaw Firm Mannaerts Moreschini & Associati

Winfried van den Muijsenbergh
MemberLaw Firm AKD

Geert Jan Pastoor
DirectorPastoor Consult BV

Emanuele Pirazzoli
Honorary Consul Kingdom of the Netherlands in Sicily.

Stefan Benjamin Polet
MemberBlueRock Logistics

Martina Priekaar
NotaryHeussen B.V.

Romina Protto
MemberLaw Firm Mannaerts Moreschini & Associati

Gijs Pyckevet
MemberArchitect ABDR

Désirée Rasenberg
Board MemberPure Jute B.V.

Claudia de Regt
Board MemberFineco Bank S.p.A.

Maaike Roet
FounderHouse. Legal for Tomorrow

Andrea Russo
LawyerSitax Russell Bedford

Silvia Scandurra

José De Giorgio - Schoorl
MemberAssociazione Sparta (Italian Cultural Non-profit)

Manuela Talana
CEO & FounderLow Carbon Travels

Alvise Tanzi
FounderAMA Corporate Solutions

Jarno Timmermans
ConsultantBureau Italia

Maurizio Tinti
TreasurerStudio Lisi & Associati

Vincenzo Toscani
OwnerTanteitalie BV

Filomena E.A. Uffing
Owner & Managing DirectorThe Andiamo World

Maaike van Veldhoven
New Business Italy
Eric Veroliemeulen
Curator/GMThis Time Tomorrow in Florence

Jules Vissers
OwnerAtelier Taftique

Michel Wichers
Board MemberSanorice Italy and Poland

Claudia Zanin
OwnerItalia Promotion