We can proudly share with you that today some DIBA members have participated as moderator/speakers of the successful and very interesting interactive Online Business Day Italy, which was organized by the Dutch embassy in Rome, the Dutch consulate-general in Milan and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency RVO, on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Angela Mannaerts
Angela Mannaerts, Managing Partner of law firm Mannaerts Moreschini & Associati in Rome and President of DIBA, spoke about some differences in business cultural between the Netherlands and Italy and shared some tricks and tips when doing business in Italy, especially through public tenders. She also mentioned that she is working on a Market Report on Italian Public Procurements with the Dutch Embassy that will be published soon and will contain many suggestions on how to operate in Italy plus indications of business opportunities.

Godelieve Cooymans
Godelieve Cooymans, Managing Partner of Proaxxes in Florence and Vice President of DIBA, was moderator of the session “Water and Bioeconomy”.

Michel Wichers
Michel Wichers, General Manager of Sanorice Italy in Vercelli, spoke about why his company invested in Italy and his experiences as an operator on the Italian market.

Olaf Bussink
Olaf Bussink and Elsa Maria Reinders, co-owners of Team Italia in Rome, spoke about doing e-commerce in Italy.
If you are interested in the above themes than you can find the documentation in the MyDIBA section.
If you would like to communicate with one of the speakers, do not hesitate to contact us at: office@dutchitalianbusinessassociation.it